雷雨 (Strengthened 1)

雷雨 (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 📷
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
STR+3 爆擊傷害+5% 若Lv140以上,進行攻撃時, 一定的機率追加攻擊
STR +3 Critical damage +5% If [Lv > 140] then Autoskill
Notes: The truncated extra damage = {own Lv × 50- enemy DEF + (enemy DEF ÷ 3) + own Lv- enemy Lv} × attribute coefficient ※ () in parentheses after the decimal point

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雷雨 (Strengthened 1) [Additional]
1: 雷雨 x1
2: 秘銀 x30
3: 蝙蝠的大翅 x1
4: 磷灰石 x15

Gewitter (Strengthened 2) [Additional]
1: 雷雨 (Strengthened 1) x1
2: 傾瀉曙光的稻殼 x5
3: 消化液 x15
4: 出現裂痕的紫水晶 x5


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