
青藍穿弓 [Bows] 📷
ATK: 218
魔法弓 ASPD+10% 魔法威力根據Lv增加 最大生命+5% ATK-35% 迴避-50% 若INT200以上,則MATK+15%
ASPD +10% [Magic Power up by Lv] MaxHP +5% ATK -35% Evasion -50% If [INT > 200] then MATK +15% If [Mage] then Melee to Fire +5% Melee to Water +5% Melee to Wind +5% Melee to Earth +5%
Notes: From: Strengthening of Indigo Bow

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青藍穿弓 [Bows]
1: 青藍弓 x1
2: 高級紀念幣 x5
3: 勇氣的羽毛 x5
4: 閃光的輝章 x5
Anniversary Event

青藍穿弩 [Bows]
1: 青藍穿弓 x1
2: 赤熱的黏呼呼液體 x15
3: 智勇泉源 x1
4: 勇氣的羽毛 x5
Anniversary Event


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