頭帶 (Strengthened 1)

頭帶 (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 📷
DEF: 1
冒險者裝備後提升最大生命和物防 Lv250以上攻擊時,一定幾率…
[Unknown] [X = Lv] [X = X / 25] [DEF up by X] MaxHP +1000 If [Lv > 250] then Autoskill
Notes: When adventurers are equipped, and HP + 1000 DEF + 3 time of the attack and he Lv250 or more, power up ※ 10 seconds ATK · MATK rise in the probability

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頭帶 (Strengthened 1) [Additional]
1: 頭帶 x1
2: 結實的布料 x10
3: 破損的頭盔 x10
4: 纖細的針 x10
德拉夫伯格 龍人街

Hachigane (Strengthened 2) [Additional]
1: 頭帶 (Strengthened 1) x1
2: 損壞的鐵環 x4
3: 鋼鐵裝甲板 x4
4: 火鳥的火焰冠 x1


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