Balmung II TW

Balmung II TW [Swords]
ATK: 335
KO chance+1%, Evasion-50%, Lowest ASPD, Auto Skill-20%. Also ATK+34%, STR+110 if STR&DEX>399 and adds 5% of AGI to STR.
Knock out +1% Evasion -50% ASPD = 1 Autoskill -20% If [STR > 400] then If [DEX > 400] then ATK +34% STR +110 [X = 0.05 * AGI] [STR up by X]

Balmung II TW [Swords]
1: Balmung x1
2: 龍血 x30
3: 靈光麒麟的逆鱗 x3
4: 巨龍尖角 x3


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