
火箭劍Ⅲ [Swords] 📷
ATK: 253 DEF: 2
萬能屬性 ASPD-10% 最大生命+2000 引發氣絕+0.3%
Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% ASPD -10% MaxHP +2000 Knock out +0%
Notes: Trade × ATK = Baruberuna II +100/+103

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火箭劍Ⅲ [Swords]
1: 火箭劍Ⅱ x1
2: 柔軟的石頭 x30
3: 黑暗戰士鎧甲片 x1
4: 斷了的斧刃 x3
Anniversary Event

Valverna IV TW [Swords]
1: 火箭劍Ⅲ x1
2: 深秘根源 x15
3: 銀質刀刃 x1
4: 萬能零件 x5
Anniversary Event


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