
鳶尾弓Ⅱ [Bows] 📷
ATK: 275
ATK+8% 爆擊傷害+8% 仇恨增加-12% 對火屬性敵人物理+22% 對水屬性敵人物理-22% 防禦時,一定機率觸發魔法反擊
ATK +8% Critical damage +8% Hate Rise -12% Melee to Fire +22% Melee to Water -22% Autoskill
Notes: Upgrade Freesia Bow by equiping it and using Freesia Bead. Freesia Bead can be bought from the Kijimu at the Xmas Event Venue for 60 Snow Tear Crystal

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Freesia Bead
Used for Upgrading Freesia Weapons. Must have Freesia Weapon equipped


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