龍之盔甲 (Strengthened 1)

龍之盔甲 (Strengthened 1) [Armor] 📷
ATK: 12 DEF: 14
ATK+7% MATK+8% 爆擊率+10 物理.魔法抗性+4% 絕對命中+15%
ATK +7% MATK +8% Critical rate +10 Melee R +4% Magic R +4% Absolute Accuracy +15% Autoskill
Notes: DEF = Dragon Mail +1, hidden performance: during the defense, when physical counterattack counterattack triggered by the probability, an object damage Invalidation

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龍之盔甲 (Strengthened 1) [Armor]
1: 龍之盔甲 x1
2: 富有彈性的甲殼 x20
3: 磷灰石 x40
4: 湖龍之角 x1

龍之盔甲 (Strengthened 2) [Armor]
1: 龍之盔甲 (Strengthened 1) x1
2: ◇貝魯澤諾姆 x1
3: 守護之龍的鱗片 x6
4: 又厚又結實的毛皮 x60


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