水信之刀 (Strengthened 1)

水信之刀 (Strengthened 1) [Additional] 📷
DEF: 15
爆擊傷害+15% 移動速度+5% ASPD-20% MP消耗+15% 防禦時,一定機率下……
Critical damage +15% Movement Speed +5% ASPD -20% MP Cost +15% Autoskill
Notes: Trade × DEF = Mizushin Wakizashi (Strengthened 1) +5 (at the time of defense, ATK +10% increase in the probability ※ about 10 sec)

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水信之刀 (Strengthened 1) [Additional]
1: 水信之刀 x1
2: 黑暗戰士鎧甲片 x1
3: 紫紅色的羽毛 x3
4: 碎裂的木頭片 x30
Anniversary Event

Suishin Katana (Strengthened 2) TW [Additional]
1: 水信之刀 (Strengthened 1) x1
2: 備水磨刀石 x10
3: 高天原的水種子 x1
4: 帶花紋的刀刃 x3
Anniversary Event


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